Thursday, June 21, 2012

Action Research Plan

Samantha Skiles
EDLD 5301 Research
ED 1083

Action Planning Template
Goal: How will implementing a weekly/monthly training plan and schedule increase teachers training hours and promote more effective teaching practices?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

1. Discuss topic with school director.

Myself and Emily Acevedo

June 11, 2012- June 14, 2012

Internship Plan

Creation of Action Research topic.

2. Conduct a series of surveys on current and past professional development training opportunities.

Myself and the teachers/staff at the school.

August 2012

Survey created by me.

Teacher feedback and active monitoring.

3. Look at the spreadsheet of current logged training hours and check staff files for proof of trainings

Myself and Emily Acevedo

August – September 2012

Staff files and training spreadsheets.

All data accounted for.

4. Look at past teacher observations to see which teachers need which particular trainings.


August – September 2012

Staff files and training records

All data accounted for.

5. Observe all teachers and staff to update files and observation records.

Myself and each teacher and staff in the school.

August 2012- May 2013

Staff files and observation forms.

Quantitative and qualitative results.

6. Meet with the staff and teachers to teach and discuss the new professional development training plan.

Myself, Emily Acevedo, and the teachers and staff

September 2012

Professional Development Training Plan developed by me

Teacher feedback

7. Obtain signatures of staff and teachers agreeing to the new plan being implemented.

Myself and the teachers and staff

September 2012

Contracts developed by me

Teacher Contracts

8. Form a committee to help research and recruit for professional development trainings opportunities.

Myself and volunteer teachers and staff.

October 2012

Volunteer Sign Up Sheets

Training Committee

9. Work one-on-one to implement the plan to fit each teachers needs based on their results from the observations.

Myself and teachers individually

October 2012 – November 2012

Observations, teacher files, and customized plans for each individual teacher created by me.


10. Assess training records and observe teachers to see progress in classroom teaching practices.

Myself, Emily Acevedo, and teachers

December 2012 – May 2013

Teacher files, observations, training records and spreadsheet.

Teacher evaluation and monitoring.

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. Samantha,this sounds like a coaching plan. Are you the instructional coach on your campus? It looks like a pretty good plan.

  2. Helen, I am the Curriculum Director. I work at a small private school.

  3. I really like how part of your plan is to familiarize yourself with the current situation before coming in to make changes. I have seen principals take this approach and do very well. Many times when principals come in and uproot what is already in place it takes them longer to make significant changes. Excited to see your results.

  4. How does your school decide who takes what PD? We have many offereings in our district however teachers like to take the "fun" courses rather than the trainings to keep up to date on the most effective practices in their classroom

    1. We don't currently have a plan in place. That is something I will also be doing,

  5. Samantha,

    We have done a GT audit on my campus and have found it very helpful. Up front, it is a little time consuming, but we start to find out areas of strength and areas we need additional work in. The school is also aware of what collective differentiation we have going on in the classrooms.

  6. Samantha,

    The teachers at my school seem to be taking less and less PD every year. I try to keep the new teachers on pace so that they will not find their self behind in hours. I think you will find plenty of areas that teachers seem to stay away from. I wish you luck!

  7. Thanks, I hope to make some great changes!

  8. Samantha,

    Excellent work so far with your research plan. I really like your plan, and its details. I appreciate the topic of promoting more effective teaching practices. Keep up the great work!

    Dr. Abshire
